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Our foundation story is much deeper than meets the eye. Being a head to toe fashionista, Sabrina Zaretti was unaware like many of us about the injustices of the world and how the fashion industry is directly participating in cruel practices that involve experimenting on animals in order to test the dyes, skinning them for their beautiful furs and using them as a commodity while being numb to their suffering. It rapidly changed one day and the veil started to lift, bringing more and more awareness into Sabrinas life that by buying certain brands she is directly empowering the cruelty and that change cannot occur without our collective awareness driving us to actively make a difference. SWEAT SQUAD was born out of this awareness and compassion and ANGEL SQUAD is the proof of our efforts to change the fashion industry from inside out.


Our collaborators are some of the most dedicated individuals in the animal welfare industry, who have devoted their lives to rescuing animals from torture and abuse and providing them with the gift of a loving home.

Have a question?

Mail us anytime, we endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions.